Saturday, April 10, 2010

continued vision....

A long time ago....i prayed for God to show me, or at least give me a hint, to why he was having me move. i closed my eyes and i listened. then, out of nowhere....this picture came into my head! it was as clear as clear can get!!! In my little vision i saw me, in a dance room, with a bunch of little girls! then i opened my eyes and thought "so your having me move because you want me to be a dance teacher??" then a bright flash came across my window! and i closed my eyes again! this time i saw the same little girls in the dance room with me....but i noticed something that i didn't in my last "vision". i saw hearing aids in the girls ears! and i saw their faces! it hit me!!!....God wanted me to see this!!!...I wasn't only teaching a class of 5-6 yr old girls dance, but i was teaching a class of special needs and deaf 5-6 yr old girls dance!!! i opened my eyes...."wow"..."really?"..."me?!"..."you obviously picked the wrong girl for that job!" but God NEVER picks the wrong people for anything. once that thought entered my head i was in total shock. how am I....a 16 year old girl....supposed to teach a group of 5-6 yr old downs/deaf girls?!? i'm too busy!....but then again...."ALL things are possible through Jesus Christ" :)
So today i had that same exact "vision" :p (my 3rd time may i add) haha sooooo i'm breaking it down. making up moves...and holding Gods hand...tight!
please pray for me as I try to figure out what exactly God wants me to do with those girls.

<3 confused <3


Audrey said...

wow. that is beautiful! How great is God to give you that kind of assurance! He will fulfill His plans for you.
ps. I had so much fun with you last night :)

tori said...

yea! i had a good time hanging out with you and mary too!! times! haha