"Dark - ness gath -er, foes as - sail me, but I an - awer not a word; all my friends de -sert and fail me, on -ly thou my cry hast heard. Lord in thee am I con -fid -ing;
thou wilt an - swer when I call, lest my foes, the good de -rid - ing, tri -umph in thy ser - vant's fall.
I am prone to halt and stum -ble, grief and sor -row dwell with- in, shame and guilt my spir - it humble; I am sor - ry for my sin. Lord, my God, do not forsake me, let me know that thou art near, un - der thy pro - tec - tion take me, as my Sav - ior now ap -pear." (vrs.2 & 3)
These words really spoke to me this morning in church!.....Just thought I'd share it with you guys! :)
1 comment:
aren't they awesome?!?!
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