Wednesday, March 31, 2010

facial expressions!

facial expressions are very key in my family. we tend to feed off of each others facial expressions! sometimes its great because you don't have to say anything! yet other times it can be misleading and taken wrong. like today for example.
my mom, brother and i were at mc donalds having a very late lunch and we had just gone grocery shopping and we had three things of ice cream in the car. (now, the weather is starting to warm up....yay! so it wasn't cool in the car.) i "sucked" up my food like a vaccume then my mom finished which left alex. (i'm always waiting for him to finish eating) ANYWAYS.....i guess my facial expression looked like "im bored" or alex said "mom tori's giving me the teenage bored look again!" when REALLY what i was trying to express was "hurry up! theres so much we gotta do in so little time!!" but i didn't want to be rude. haha
*note-to-self* be careful of how your face looks and your body possition is...because people really do take that to heart. :)

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