Wednesday, March 31, 2010

my besties and my best buds!

to all you girls out there....I LOVE YOU!!!! :)

but to all you guys out there....YOU GUYS ROCK!!! :)

i always seem to find myself sitting alone.......with a bunch of guys. (my second life story) but i'm totally cool with it! i may not say alot but i think if i WAS the more talkative type i would have so much more to contribute in a guys convo than a girls! haha i don't always just turns out that way!
now, there are a few things that i absolutely hate about being a girl!....but i wouldn't trade any of them in for anything! :) i LOVE being a girl!! and what i LOVE even more about being a girl is....being able to have both really close GIRLfriends and really close GUYfriends!! i don't think i could live one week without hanging out or talking to my best guy-friend!! i enjoy hanging out with both genders but if i had to spend a day with one of them....i'd probably pick a guys football or basketball team! haha
another thing that i've been known for, between my guy and girl friends has been...i'm a good match maker! hahaha one "up" side of having both genders as besties know who likes who! i can't tell you how many times i've had a best guy friend crushing on one of my best girl friends!....with me stuck in the middle knowing that they like each other and both of them not knowing. haha

the bottom line to this little story is.....i think....if a girl is really easy going and laid back they'll have a lot of close friends from both genders and each relationship will be very speacial in their own way!!! :)

<3 buds with all <3


Audrey said...

Ah! I'm jealous! I don't really have any close guy friends. Good for you!

Elle :) said...

haha im the same way about most of my friends being guys haha :) miss you :) xoxo