Saturday, January 31, 2009

F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P quotes

Recently my mom helped me update my blog by creating a play list for me! YAY! i still have noo idea how to add songs though. If you haven't listened to the songs yet they all have something to do with FRIENDSHIP. So the other night i went on the one and only Google and looked up friendship quotes. Here are a few that i found that i really liked:

"A real FRIEND is hard to find
difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."

"Memories last forever and never do they die,
true FRIENDS stay together and never say good bye."

"best FRIENDS ...
are the kind of people who laugh at a joke three times,
Once when it's told, the second time when they explain it,
and [five minutes later]....when we finally get it!!"


Elly said...

how true. I am blessed with the greatest friends! God is so great! i like the new playlist =)

Elly said...

yeah it was really fun! u havent been in the snow in a LOOOOONG time! i didn't know u had asthma! that must be REALLY hard. i feel for ya girl!