Monday, February 1, 2010

not quite home....

....we're not quite there...yet. We still have boxes packed in the bonus room and there is no art up on the walls. =[ The house still feels....somewhat empty, and my room doesn't feel like....MY room. But like'll all fall in place in good time!! [= (i just want it to be soon) haha! My mom was talking to me this morning about packing EARLY!!! i was thinking "WHAT?!?!" as she started to go on and on about that my heart sank. i cant wait to finally have a schedule down. We're still looking at places to go, things to do, and searching for people to meet. There are a few people on my "get-to-know-better" list!! which i'm excited about!! [= far things are starting off on the "slow" side! I planned to get to know that girl caroline that i mentioned before. i was all ready to get to know her more at lunch today!! i knew what i was going to wear, and i started to write down a few questions that i was going to ask her at lunch!!....buuuuut no. i mentioned in my last post that its been snowing nonstop all weekend and that we were snowed in! we couldn't even go to church!!! =[ well, today my brother and i got off! the news called another 'snow day" on the schools! -_- soooo i get to wait until next week to do everything that i wanted to do TODAY! =p hahah oh wells!!...(plus all the more time to read on in my lovely book!!)

I'll be sure to keep ya updated on the whole "meeting people" thang!! [= like i said a while "life ball" should start rolling any day now!!! hahaha until then...
Love you!

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