Sunday, May 15, 2011

watching rain drops on my window....

When I first told someone that I was "watching rain drops on my window" they probably thought something along the lines of "wow...nutty!!" haha or "um, alright then. weirdo"
hahahaha. Hey! what can i say?! I tend to observe the unobserved! :)

While I was sitting in the passenger seat the other day, it was raining "cats and dogs"! At times it would just be sprinkling but at others it was a complete down pour!! Anyways, during all that I had one of two things i could have been doing...1) sleep or 2) read. I decided to day dream. haha.

As I was looking out my window I noticed the rain drops. Some were small when they hit the window others were big. No matter what the size they all went the same direction and were all doing the same thing...."catching" or running into other rain drops.

Now, most people just see rain on a window. No, no. I see each rain drop as a person and each "person" was dropped onto "earth", my window, in different places but they were all going in one direction. Along the way they were running into other "people". hahaha.

So, thanks to that some what odd observation I can't help but to look at rain drops totally different! whenever I see rain drops on my window I'm reminded of what I'm supposed to be doing here on earth. pretty cool huh? Betchya never thought of that!!

<3 xox

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