Tuesday, December 29, 2009



"Every baby that is born into this crazy, messed up world has a reason.
And every child that grows up in this crazy, messed up world has a reason.
Every parent that is home schooling their child/children as i write this has a reason for doing so.
And every student that goes day to day, year after year to a brick and mortar school has a reason to be going there.
You are reading this now. for a reason.
You may not see it now. I know I don't. But God has a REASON for everything and everyone.
I think...well i know...that we can't just sit here. on our butts. in this crazy, messed up world. and live like theres going to be a tomorrow. Because like i said before...we're all here. for a reason. And its our personal jobs to find out what our reason is.
Have you found your reason yet?"

1 comment:

Jacova :) said...

Tori Woods, I love you. Thank you for reminding me to live everyday for Jesus! <3 You're such an inspiration to me! My heart is wherever you are :)