Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Look! isn't it just breath taking?!?! i LOVE it!

before i moved to Tennessee i never really thought to stop and look at God's amazing craftsmanship of the lovely desert! (even though its hot, dry, dusty, hot, hot and very hot....it doesn't seem to be the one thing that consumes your mind when your living there!) your too busy with your own life. whats going on that day. all the unnecessary "drama", home work, school, after school activities, friends.

i found this picture today and i just had to stop what i was doing and just stare at it for a good 5 minutes and think back to all the fun memories that i formed hiking with family and friends! ah yes! the good 'ol days!...then i looked out my window and though about my new life here. ah yes! its going to be...interesting! (haha) i can't wait to see what God has planned for me and my family!...Why we moved? i have no idea. but we're here.

now, as a look out the window its semi-gray, half blue sky,far off, and of course lots and lots of green...pretty much everywhere you look!! i also see the road that we take every time we leave the house. its very...curvy! :) sometimes its fun to drive on, others not so much. ;) but the main thought that comes to my mind when i look out at that road is "every time we turn that corner...we are leaving with an unpredicted future." and every time we come back, we have a new memory. thats so cool!

which brings me back to this picture above. there are soooo many different types of cactus' in Arizona, my personal favorite the saguaro! every time one grows up and grows new "arms" something new and fascinating happens that very same day! the sun goes up. the sun sets. yet those cactus' are always there. continuing to grow and spread its arms! :))

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