Monday, December 7, 2009


Take a deep your eyes...and listen to the..........rustling and bustling of boxes being pulled open and packing tape being torn?!?!? WHOA!! sooo did not want to wake up to that!!!

Dec. 7,2009

Today is Monday...aka...the first day of a long adventure!!! ALOT has happened since I last updated this!

1) its already December and my "school" KEYS is nearing its CHRISTmas break

2) i've had my permit for a long while now but i still haven't graduated from the neighborhoods

3) my hair is sooo long that i'm starting to go crazy

4) i just got my braces off today!

5) hmmm.....? Oh yeah! i'm moving!

Right now i'm chillaxin in the classroom with my mom and dog waiting for the packers to leave. (we're in their way where ever we are...) as i sit here i can't help but think about a few things. How this week is going to go. Moving. My teeth feel really smooth! Moving. My poor puppy is so stressed out. KEYS on Thursday. Leaving my friends in AZ. Making new friends in TN. Starting school in January. How super-dee-dooper extremely tired i am! and last but not least....Moving.

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